You see, everything has its roots. Many, if not most, adults whose lives are a concern today have their issues rooted in childhood and teenage years.
When seemingly trivial issues are unchecked, they spiral into something less manageable and onto mental health issues we see in adults today. Sometimes, significant stress or trauma can lead to mental health disorders, such as anxiety and depression.
In today’s world, we are constantly faced with social media, advertising and we get to see a lot of crime, violence, glamour, wealth displays, and everything that can trouble the mind.
Unfortunately, these things are even more worrying for your kids. That’s because, unlike you, they are not fully matured enough to process the information and sift the good from the bad.
Seeing graphic scenes and violence on the news and keep up on social media can unsettle your child’s mind long-term. Displays of wealth and beauty standards can cause anxiety in teens as they struggle to meet societal expectations. What about what they see in movies? They stick in your child’s mind and can become a part of their thought process.
If such kids do not get adult guidance, their mental health can be seriously affected. Think about depressed or traumatized adults or those with a penchant for violence. These issues are significantly rooted in what they come across as youngsters.
And unfortunately, our smartphones have become our primary means of communication, and we can’t keep our kids away from them. What happens is that they get both the upsides and downsides of social media use.
It’s advisable to consider kids life coaching if you want to raise children with impressive coping skills and high self-esteem. After all prevention is always better than cure.
Kids life coaching can provide your child with tools and tips on managing challenges, worries, and stress at a young age. A coach is neutral, a coach is non-judgemental, they can listen and provide your child with impartial advice.
Young people suffer from stress, worry and anxiety just like adults. Work and parenthood can be a stressor for you. For your teen, it could be school, and the need to socialise, or relationship issues.
Kids life coaching can help your child with:
Coping skills – knowing how to live healthily amid the never-ending stressors they come across online and offline
Emotional regulation – understanding how they feel and learning to control how they react
Self-soothing skills – developing behaviours your kids can use to calm themselves when battling anxiety.
Social Awareness – respect and manners are the basic building blocks of civil society. Help your child portray a good image of kindness and empathy.
In the end, you’ll have a child with high levels of resilience, self-confidence, and emotional intelligence; a child you can be proud of; a child who grows up to be a positive contributor to society.